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Articles of Association

As of May 2024



"You can't help everyone, said the narrow-minded one - and you didn't help anyone."

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Space Lama eV was founded with the conviction that even grievances that seem insurmountable and alienated do not have to wait for big politicians to intervene - but can also be tackled by ordinary people.

The sexual and economic exploitation and abuse of children, often on pleasure trips by Western tourists, is intolerable. It is for this reason that we have chosen to combat these circumstances. We are convinced that this will make the world a little better.


As a non-profit association, we finance the rescue and care of minors in emergencies such as prostitution and imprisonment in the Philippines.


Our on-site partner is the experienced and established PREDA Foundation, which has interventionally freed young people from emergencies since 1974, guarantees professional care and secure living and supports their reintegration into society.

At the same time, the PREDA Foundation is doing socio-political development work and has already achieved significant structural improvements in prison conditions for minors and the prosecution of foreign sex tourists in their home countries.


We want to create a positive symbol with the Space Lama. A symbol that attracts attention, spreads joy and at the same time draws attention and thus helps us to oppose the ruthless exploitation and dehumanization of those under protection.




§1 Name and seat of the association

  1. The association bears the name Space Lama.

  2. It should be entered in the register of associations and then has the addition "eV"

  3. The seat of the association is in Homburg.


§2 fiscal year

  1. The fiscal year is the calendar year.


§3 Purpose of the association

The purpose of the association is to promote development cooperation, youth welfare through non-material and financial support of other tax-privileged corporations, corporations under public law or foreign corporations i. S. d. § 58 No. 1 AO for non-material and material support and maintenance of the above-mentioned purposes.

The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular by the procurement of funds through donations, contributions, levies, grants, other allowances and other generated surpluses and profits as well as their forwarding for the promotion of the above-mentioned charitable purposes.


  1. The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit and charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.

  2. The purpose of the association is to promote development cooperation, youth welfare and the support of people in need

  3. The purpose of the statutes is achieved in particular through:

  1. The establishment of the “Space Lama” as a synonym and symbol for combating child prostitution and child abuse.

  2. Promotion, planning, implementation and supervision of life-improving projects in developing countries that serve the common good of the project country.

  3. Education and public relations in various forms; Scientific and media processing and dissemination of information on the topic of development cooperation, in particular the fight against child abuse.

  4. Cooperation with international associations, clubs, initiatives and institutions as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations that are dedicated to the relevant subject areas.


§4 selfless activity

  1. The association is selflessly active, it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

  2. The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes.

  3. Members receive no benefits from the association.


§5 Use of Funds

The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive any benefits from the association's funds.


§6 prohibition of privileges

No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.


§7 Acquisition of Membership

  1. Association members can be natural persons or legal persons.

  2. The application for membership must be submitted in writing to the board of directors.

  3. The board decides on the application for membership.

  4. Against the rejection, which does not require a justification, the applicant is entitled to appeal to the general assembly, which then makes a final decision.

  5. Memberships are possible as active memberships or sponsoring memberships.

  6. Any natural or legal person who is committed to the purpose of the association and who makes a regular contribution can become a sponsoring member. The sponsoring membership begins with a declaration to the association. Sustaining members have the right to make suggestions on the activities of the association and to receive information, in particular about the use of the subsidy. You will receive information about the development and public relations work of the association in writing or by email at regular intervals, but you are not entitled to vote in the general assembly


§8 Termination of Membership

  1. Membership ends upon resignation, exclusion, death or dissolution of the legal entity.

  2. The resignation takes place by means of a written declaration to a board member authorized to represent. The written declaration of resignation must be given to the board of directors within one month at the end of the financial year.

  3. You can only be excluded for an important reason. Important reasons are, in particular, behavior that damages the association's goals, the violation of statutory obligations or payment arrears of at least one year. The board decides on the exclusion. Against the exclusion, the member is entitled to appeal to the general assembly, which must be addressed in writing to the board within one month. The general assembly makes the final decision within the framework of the association.


§9 contributions

Contributions are made from the members. The general meeting determines the amount of the contributions and their due dates.


§10 organs of the association

Organs of the association are:

  1. The general meeting

  2. The board of directors


§11 General Assembly

The general assembly is the highest organ of the association. Their tasks include, in particular, the election and deselection of the board of directors, discharge of the board of directors, receipt of reports from the board of directors, election of the auditors, determination of contributions and their due dates, resolution on the dissolution of the association, decision on the admission and exclusion of members in Appeal cases as well as other tasks, insofar as these result from the articles of association or according to the law.


  1. An ordinary general meeting takes place in the last quarter of the year.

  2. The board of directors is obliged to call an extraordinary general meeting if at least one third of the members request this in writing, stating reasons.

  3. The general meeting is called by the board of directors with one month's notice stating the agenda.

  4. The invitation can be made in writing or by email.

  5. The period begins on the day following the sending of the letter of invitation. The letter of invitation is deemed to have been received by the members if it was sent to the last address given to the association.

  6. The agenda must be supplemented if a member requests this in writing no later than one week before the scheduled date. The addition is to be announced at the beginning of the meeting.

  7. Motions to deselect the board of directors, to change the statutes and to dissolve the association, which the members have not already received with the invitation to the general meeting, can only be decided at the next general meeting.

  8. The general assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.

  9. The general meeting is chaired by a board member.

  10. A secretary is to be elected at the beginning of the general meeting.

  11. Each member has one vote. The right to vote can only be exercised in person or for a member upon presentation of a written power of attorney.

  12. When voting, the simple majority of the votes cast decides.

  13. Changes to the statutes and the dissolution of the association can only be decided with a majority of 2/3 of the members present.

  14. Abstentions and invalid votes are disregarded.

  15. Minutes are to be drawn up about the resolutions of the general assembly, which are to be signed by the chairman and the secretary


§12 Board of Directors

  1. The board of directors in the sense of § 26 BGB consists of the 1st chairman. He / She represents the association in and out of court.

  2. The board of directors is elected by the general assembly for a period of 2 years.

  3. Only one member of the association can become a board member.

  4. Re-election is permitted.

  5. The board remains in office until a new board is elected.

  6. Upon termination of membership in the association, the office as board member ends.


§13 Cash audit

  1. The general assembly elects an auditor for a period of one year.

  2. This / r may not be a member of the board of directors

  3. Re-election is permitted


§13 Dissolution of the Association

If the association is dissolved or annulled or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the association's assets fall to a legal entity under public law or a tax-privileged corporation for the purpose of promoting youth welfare within the meaning of §53 AO.



Original document



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